The Good Shit™ is an organic, all natural tattoo aftercare salve made from a blend of fine oils, extracts, butters and beeswax.

I left my tin in the cold car overnight, and now it is cloudy and has lumps, can I still use it?

Yes. The Good Shit™ is sensitive to changes in temperatures, but you can still use the ointment. Simply rub it between your fingers, it will melt at body temperature.

You can also scoop The Good Shit™ out of the tin with a rubber spatula into a glass container. Microwave it for 15-20 seconds or until it is completely melted and give it a stir. Pour it back into the tin and let it cool off.

What is the shelf life of The Good Shit™?

The Good Shit™ is organic and all natural, it contains no preservatives. Keep The Good Shit™ at room temperature, it has a shelf life of 2 years from your date of purchase, if kept out of extreme heat and/or cold.

I am allergic to bees, can I use The Good Shit™?

Pure beeswax has not generally been shown to cause allergic reactions in people. But sometimes *propolis remains mixed with the beeswax when it is harvested. It is the propolis (or rather, certain constituents in the propolis) that can cause contact dermatitis in people who become sensitized to it.

*Propolis or bee glue is a resinous mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva and beeswax with exudate gathered from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive.